Thursday, May 16, 2013

School in a Perfect World -Assignment

I have to say that I really enjoy school. I love the social part of it, visiting with students and staff every day. I like the structure of 48 minutes with one group then switch. I love the math and computer topics we cover during class time. I love learning new things.  But if I could create school in a perfect world it would look a little different.

For one thing virtual attendance would be available to all students. All classes would have a live feeds and if you weren't in the building you could still attend the class online. Student's often miss class for many legitimate reasons, including illness, appointments, vacations, and family obligations. Our school schedule is so inflexible when it comes to events in our life. I want an option for students to have it all. Live your life and get an education.

Second, students would have access to teachers as needed. Remember I am creating a perfect school. Teachers would be available at convenient times to work one-on-one with students. Learning happens best for all students in small groups or with a mentor. Students need the opportunity to ask questions and work through problems with the guidance of another person that can help them grow in their education.

Finally, I would get rid of the grading system. Grades measure the ability (or willingness) of a student to follow a procedure and produce a product. Don't get me wrong, those are important skills that should be taught and learned but it is not the only skills needed. I would prefer an evaluation system that indicates whether a student has the knowledge and skills to progress to the next level with success. I don't know what that would look like but in a perfect world I am sure I could figure it out.

Now it is your turn. Write a post and publish "School in a Perfect World". Write at least three paragraphs using correct spelling and grammar. USE SPELL CHECK before you publish. Also remember the word "I" is always capitalized.  If you want a better grammar and spell checker write your post in MS Word, spell and grammar check it there and then paste it into your blog post.


  1. That is a great idea. The only issue I see with it is that some people like me have internet, however it is based on a data plan and it is very slow. So streaming lessons or taking online courses would actually cost a lot of money for some people. Otherwise, I think it should be an option for people closer to town with better internet options.

  2. plez, i no grmr.
