Monday, April 22, 2013

My family and ALS

About a year and a half ago my family got some terrible news. My brother (in the center) was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.) ALS is a progressive disease that is nearly always fatal. It is the death of the nerve cells that control voluntary muscle movement. In my brothers case, he has almost lost all muscle control in his legs.

Some facts about ALS that everyone should know include:
  • ALS (AKA Lou Gehrig's Disease) was named after the New York Yankees Hall of Fame slugger Lou Gehrig who was diagnosed with the disease at age 36 and died two years later.
  • ALS occurs throughout the world with no racial, ethnic or socioeconomic boundaries
  • ALS is not a contagious
  • Every day, an average of 15 people are newly diagnosed with ALS
  • Life expectancy of an ALS patient averages about two to five years from the time of diagnosis
  • The disease is progressive and eventually attacks the muscles used for breathing.

Like everyone I know, my brother is an amazing person with so much to live for. He has two wonderful kids, three adorable grandchildren, the perfect wife and is loved by all his family and friends. I have never thought that life was fair but right now I wish it were (because he doesn't deserve this affliction.) He has always been there for other people and right now we get the chance to be there for him. I love you Mike.

If you would like to know more about ALS you can visit the official website or go to and read their article.


  1. i am so sad for you, my grandma has Parkinson's Disease!

    1. I am so sorry to hear your about your grandmother. My neighbor had Parkinson's and it is a very difficult disease to live with.

  2. I am so sorry. You, your family, and your brother are all on our hearts and minds.

  3. I'm sorry you have to go through this! I am as well going through the same thing and it is really hard for me to be happy when i know someone I love is very sick! Stay strong Mrs. Latz! You and your family are in my heart<3

    1. I think of you everyday, knowing you are going through very similar thoughts and feelings as my family. Thanks for being there for me.

  4. I'm very, truly sorry to hear about your brother Mike. Just know that you and your family are in our minds and hearts and that I'm praying for your brother to get better. Don't lose hope Mrs. Latz!!!!

    1. Thank you Justin. You are so thoughtful. I appreciate the kind words and prayers.
